Christian Emphasis Team
The YMCA Christian Emphasis Team invite you to connect with other believers, meeting regularly throughout the year to share in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The team provides monthly prayer table times, distributes bibles and other Christian resources in order to edify, exhort, and strengthen our members, guests, family and friends. If you’d like to be a part of the Christian Emphasis Team, contact Grant Brown at 812.491.7726 or
Bible Study
Spend some time in the word with us. These bi-weekly studies are a great opportunity for learning and fellowship. Led by local pastors as well as our own Director of Christian Mission, Grant Brown, there’s no registration necessary. Just come as you are.
Chaplain Program
Our YMCA Camp Carson chaplaincy program during this past summer session saw 70+ Chapel sessions taught by local Pastors in addition to staff support and a consistent representation of Jesus’ life and example throughout the summer. Pastors were able to stay on site during the week and serve alongside their families. We’re thankful to serve Camp in this way! We’ll be back next summer and engage even more Pastors as Chaplains. To see how you can get involved, contact Director of Christian Mission, Grant Brown, at 812.491.7726 or
Pastoral Memberships
The Y is committed not only to our local communities, but to our faith communities as well. Serving as a pastor in a local church can be stressful, and we recognize that. We are here to help by providing clergy membership subsidy and services, giving you, the pastor, a place to come and connect with others, rejuvenate your spirit, or simply to spend quality time with your family.
To learn more about becoming a YMCA Pastoral Member please contact:
Grant Brown, Director of Christian Mission
Are you looking for a Church home? We currently have Churches
meeting for worship in both of our Evansville YMCA locations on
Sunday mornings:
- Church of The King – Dunigan Family YMCA
- Berean Bible / Grace Life Church – Ascension St. Vincent YMCA
If you want to get connected, feel free to visit either location
on Sunday morning at 10am. May God be glorified in our work