YMCA Ascension Exterior
YMCA Dunigan Exterior
YMCA ASV Cardio Studio
YMCA Dunigan Cardio Room
YMCA Dunigan Pool

Conduct & Policies

For the safety and welfare of all participants and reflection of our Christian mission, we request that all members, guests, and program participants follow our YMCA Code of Conduct at YMCA branches, program locations, and sites. This ensures the highest respect and courtesy toward one another, as well as guarantees the proper use, maintenance, and care of YMCA property and equipment. The use of the YMCA is a privilege which can be revoked at any time for violating the Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

  • Inappropriate behavior of a physical or sexual nature including lewd behavior and/or unwanted advances within any area of the YMCA is strictly prohibited.
  • Harassment including verbal, physical, or sexual is unlawful and prohibited. It is a serious act of misconduct and is subject to immediate suspension or termination of privileges.
  • Verbal abuse, swearing/profanity, fighting, and arguing are not acceptable and considered inappropriate behavior at the YMCA.
  • Lack of respect to staff or other members is not acceptable and will result in suspension or termination of membership and program privileges.
  • Chewing tobacco, smoking, vaping, or drinking alcoholic beverages on YMCA property or at any YMCA activity or program site is strictly prohibited. Use of illegal drugs or substances is not acceptable and is prohibited.
  • Removal or destruction of YMCA property or the property of others without their prior consent constitutes theft of property.
  • Unauthorized entrance into the facility by way of illegal use of a pass, sneaking in, refusing to present photo ID upon entry, or aiding and abetting, is prohibited.
  • Loitering is not permitted in or outside the YMCA.
  • The possession or carrying of any deadly or offensive weapon by any person is prohibited in any YMCA building, property, owned, leased, or used. Certified and sworn municipal, state or federal police officers who carry proper identification and are on duty are exempt from this policy.
  • The use of cell phones or devices with photo and video capabilities are strictly prohibited in the locker rooms. No unauthorized photos of others is allowed anywhere in the facility.
  • The YMCA is a family association and asks that members wear family appropriate attire such as appropriate sports clothing. Clothing with profane or offensive language or pictures is prohibited. The YMCA reserves the right to define inappropriate dress when necessary.


Facility Usage Guidelines For Children With Memberships

To ensure the safety of all members and guests, the YMCA has enacted the following Youth Access facility usage guidelines:

  • During Open Swim, children age 9 or younger must be accompanied, in the water, by a person age 18 or older to access the pool area.
  • Children age 9 and younger must be under the direct supervision of a person age 18 or older or checked-in and out of a YMCA program or activity by an adult.
  • Children age 10 – 11 may use the gymnasium, pool, Youth Fitness classes, and Kids Zone unsupervised as long as their parent or caretaker over the age of 18 is in the facility.
  • Children age 10-11 may use the wellness center within arms reach of their guardian after completion of a Youth Wellness Orientation. The guardian must be at least 16 years old AND attend the Youth Wellness Orientation with the youth members ages 10-11. The youth will be allowed to use approved, age-appropriate equipment under direct supervision, including the track.
  • All youth age 12-13 have the opportunity to utilize any area of the Y as long as they meet that area’s age guidelines, without parent supervision, for up to 3 hours per day.  Youth members ages 12-13 may use the wellness center independently after completing the required Youth Wellness Orientation. The youth will be allowed to use approved, age-appropriate equipment independently, including the track, and may participate in select Adult group exercise classes.
  • Youth ages 14 and up have full usage of the facility and wellness center, including free weights.


Membership Refunds

Membership to the YMCA of Southwestern Indiana is continuous until the member comes into the Y to fill out a cancellation form.  Cancellations turned in on or after the first of the month will result in the account being drafted for that month. The Y will refund the unused portion of an annual or semi-annual membership.  Joining fees are not refundable.  Refunds are not based on previous usage and non-usage of the YMCA facilities.

Program Refunds

Full Credit / Refund

  • Granted for all programs if request is submitted prior to the start of the program/class.
  • Granted if the YMCA cancels a entire program/class session.  This does not apply to individual snow/rain day cancellations.

Partial Credit / Refund

  • If request is submitted after the start of the program/class, participants may receive a PARTIAL CREDIT on their account or PARTIAL REFUND. The Program Director overseeing the program will determine the appropriate pro-rated refund amount considering the timing of the cancellation and any applicable registration, equipment, or program supply fees incurred by the YMCA.

To cancel and request a credit/refund, please fill out the Refund Request form. All credits/refunds must be requested and approved by the Program Director. All approved credits expire after 1 year.